講座_吳嘉苓|多胞胎共和國:生殖科技的寄望、風險與治理|5.30(六) 2-4pm @C-LAB

  • 2020/05/30(Sat) 14:00(+0800) ~ 16:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • 空總臺灣當代文化實驗場 共享吧 / 台北市大安區建國南路一段177號
  • 30 / 30
  • 立方計劃空間、臺灣當代文化實驗場 Contact Organizer

2020學實學校|不死之軀—續命術、數位替生與賽伯格 2020 Praxis School | Immortal Body





日期|2020/05/30(六)2−4 pm(1:30pm開始進場)
地點|空總臺灣當代文化實驗場 共享吧(台北市大安區建國南路一段177號)

1. 報名參加現場講座|報名系統將於活動前兩週開放報名
2. 留下聯絡資料,我們將於講座前通知您現場直播網址|https://thecube-e72626.kktix.cc/events/2020ps-30may-online







現任教於臺灣大學社會學系,主要專長領域為醫療社會學、性別研究,科技與社會研究。近期從事的解謎活動包括人工協助生殖科技規範為何排除非婚男女,臺日韓的生殖科技爭議有何異同等等。於2013-2015年主編East Asian Science, Technology and Society (EASTS) 國際期刊。2016-2017年主編臺大婦女與性別研究室出版的《女學學誌》。近年來跟一群朋友共同經營「生育改革行動聯盟」(生動盟)https://www.facebook.com/BirthReformAllianceTW,目標之一是在這個全世界助產師接生比例最低的國度,重新建立多元的生產模式。



As a thematic lecture/workshop series initiated by TheCube Project Space in 2016, Praxis School has been co-organized by TheCube and C-LAB since 2018, and will enter its fifth year in 2020.

Following the theme Tiangong Kaiwu II: Modern Life and the History of Technology that ran through the events in 2018 and 2019, the 2020 Praxis School advances it by treating human desire for immortality as the point of departure, focusing on how medical knowledge intervenes in and affects human experiences of life and death, so as to progressively spark insightful discussions on the imagination of future life in view of current technological development. The main theme of the 2020 Praxis School, Immortal Body, is divided into several subthemes that touch upon the concepts of life sustaining wizardry, digital replacement, cyborg, and so forth, through which the 2020 Praxis School attempts to explore the views of life in different societies and knowledge systems as well as in different stages of technological development.

#3_2020/05/30 (Sat.) 2-4pm
❚ The Republic of Multiple Births: The Expectations, Risks, and Governance of Reproductive Technology
Lecturer: Wu Chia-Ling (prof., Department of Sociology at the National Taiwan University)
Venue: C-Lab, Co-Working Space (No.177, Sec. 1, Jianguo S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)

The first test-tube baby in the world has celebrated her 40th birthday. The British scientist who invented the method of in vitro fertilization won the Nobel Prize in 2010. Assisted reproductive technology has been regarded as a medical breakthrough and a remedy for infertility. However, it also entails new risks to health. While the use of ovulation drugs and the implantation of multiple embryos during the process are intended to increase the success rate, they also increase the likelihood of multiple births that may compromise the health of the mother and the babies. We expect to maximize the potential for success and meanwhile minimize the risks. Appropriate regulatory measures thus come under the spotlight of both the governments and the reproductive medicine scene.

According to the first global statistics on this issue in 1998, the average number of implanted embryos in Taiwan was four, which was the largest in the world. The rate of multiple births of test-tube babies in Taiwan at that time was over 40%, which made this island known as the republic of multiple births. This lecture will chronicle the risk governance of test-tube babies, analyzing the features of reproduction technology development in Taiwan from the perspectives of sociotechnical imaginary, the gender politics of reproduction technology, regulatory science, and healthcare market.

❚ About the Lecturers

Wu Chia-Ling
Wu Chia-Ling is Professor of Sociology at the National Taiwan University. Her recent publication includes women’s risk negotiation of new reproductive technologies, the making of multiple embryo transfer regulation, and architectural design for the post-disaster reconstruction. Her current research projects examine the reproductive governance in Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. She served as the editor-in-chief of East Asian Science, Technology and Society in 2013-2015, and is currently the editor-in-chief for Women’s and Gender Studies (in Chinese).

* more information: http://thecubespace.com/en/project/immortal-body-life-sustaining-wizardry-digital-replacement-and-cyborg/

Co-organizer | TheCube Project Space, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab
Concept | TheCube Project Space
TheCube Project Space is sponsored by National Culture and Arts Foundation, Department of Culture Affairs, Taipei City Government, RC Culture and Arts Foundation and Dr. Chen Po-Wen.

空總臺灣當代文化實驗場 共享吧 / 台北市大安區建國南路一段177號

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